

new computer... my work

i have had so much trouble lately with my computer (lots of viruses and lost almost all my photo's...) that i have treated myself to a new one yesterday.
 i am slowly getting used to my new mac.

one of the very few images i have been able to retrieve so far.
one of my new collection!
hopefully i can show you some more soon...
i am working on my new website- it's not going quick enough!
i am thinking of (maybe)combining my mady dooijes together with this one. 
what do you think, love to hear your thoughts! cotton shorts + top. 
soon available
photography: ellen young, make up: katie mcintosch, a big thank you to tahnee from frank and myrth


  1. If it makes your life simpler then I would say yes (and I am all for a simple life!) I think they are both very similar in mood and the photos you take for your personal page are as evocative as they ones that you feature. and you can then intersperse, you personal work with those that you feature? is that any help?

  2. that's just what i needed to hear stephanie, thank you so much... x


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