

mono clothing

mono clothing is a succession of capsule
series + projects which attempt to explore the
spaces between art, craft, design + fashion
aiming to redefine the categorical convention
of these genres as well as their ideals,
content, norms + expectations.

the work stands for more than just a cycle of
endless products + seasons, it is a stand
against the complacency within the fashion ideal.

mono is designed by heather martin in vancouver-
each item is either handcrafted in studio
or locally produced.


  1. you have an amazing blog ... I have to remember to turn the sound off before I open. like your myusic but it startles my dog.

    your graphics are so beautiful.

  2. These pictures are beautiful!
    Hope you're doing well!

  3. i love mono...i've been eyeing their long flesh colored leather necklace (it looks tribal) but not sure i could pull it off.
    beautiful images and words.

  4. i've checked out their site... amazingly beautiful.


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